Baker Bay Newfoundlands

Your Trusted Source for Newfoundland Dogs

Are you looking for a loyal and loving companion? At Baker Bay Newfoundlands, we specialize in breeding and selling exceptional Newfoundland dogs. As a family-owned business located in Ferndale, Washington, we take pride in our commitment to the Newfoundland breed and our dedication to finding them loving forever homes. Join us on this journey as we explore the wonderful world of Newfoundlands and all they have to offer.

About Baker Bay Newfoundland Dogs: Gentle Giants with Hearts of Gold

Our mission is to spread awareness and knowledge about this extraordinary breed, showcasing their gentle nature and the immense joy they bring to families. We believe that understanding the unique characteristics of Newfoundlands is the first step in forging lifelong connections between humans and these incredible dogs.

Through our platform, we strive to provide a wealth of information about Newfoundlands. We delve into their history, highlighting their origins as working dogs in Ferndale, Washington. We explore their distinct features, including their substantial size, thick double coats, and captivating color variations.

Newfoundlands, often referred to as “Newfy’s,” are a breed of dog that exudes both power and gentleness. These magnificent creatures have captured the hearts of dog enthusiasts worldwide. Here are some key characteristics that make Newfoundlands truly special:

Size and Weight

Newfoundlands are known for their impressive size. Males typically weigh between 130-150 pounds (59-68 kg) and stand between 26-28 inches (66-71 cm) at the shoulder. Females, slightly smaller, usually weigh between 100-120 pounds (45-54 kg). Their robust stature and strong build make them excellent working dogs, capable of various tasks.


Newfoundlands have an endearing temperament that sets them apart. They are known for their calm, patient, and gentle nature, making them perfect companions for families of all sizes, including children. Newfoundlands have a reputation for being excellent therapy dogs due to their loving and empathetic demeanor.


Newfoundlands come in a range of captivating colors, including solid black, brown, gray, and the striking Landseer pattern (black and white). Each color variation possesses its own unique charm, but they all share the same loving and loyal personality traits that define the breed.

Training Tips: Unlocking Your Newf’s Potential

Newfoundlands are highly intelligent and eager to please their owners. With the right training approach, you can unlock their full potential and ensure they grow into well-behaved companions. Here are some training tips to help you and your Newfy succeed:

Start Early: Begin training and socializing your Newfoundland puppy as soon as possible. Early socialization helps them become well-rounded dogs and comfortable in various environments.

Positive Reinforcement: Newfoundlands respond best to positive reinforcement techniques. Reward-based training, using treats, praise, and affection, will motivate them to learn and obey commands.

Consistency and Patience: Newfoundlands are intelligent but can be a bit stubborn at times. Consistency and patience are key when training these gentle giants. Stick to a regular training routine and remain calm and patient throughout the process.

Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Keeping Your Newf Happy and Healthy

Newfoundlands require regular exercise to keep their minds and bodies active and healthy. Here are some considerations to keep in mind when it comes to exercise and mental stimulation:

Swimming: Newfoundlands are natural-born swimmers, thanks to their webbed feet and strong swimming abilities. Providing opportunities for swimming is an excellent way to keep them physically and mentally stimulated.

Long Walks: Regular walks are essential for Newfoundlands. Aim for at least one long walk each day, allowing them to explore their surroundings and expend energy.

Interactive Play: Engage your Newfy in interactive play sessions, such as fetch or puzzle toys. These activities not only provide physical exercise but also stimulate their minds and prevent boredom.

Grooming and Health: Nurturing Your Newfy’s Well-being

Proper grooming and healthcare are crucial for the well-being of your Newfoundland. Here are some essential considerations:

Coat Care: Newfoundlands have a dense double coat that requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and prevent matting. Regular brushing, especially during shedding seasons, is essential. Additionally, be prepared for occasional drool, as Newfoundlands are known for their slobbery kisses!

Health Screening: Responsible breeding practices and regular health check-ups are critical to ensure your Newfoundland’s health. Be aware of breed-specific health concerns such as hip and elbow dysplasia, heart issues, and cystinuria. Regular veterinary visits and appropriate genetic testing can help identify and manage potential health issues.

Nutrition: Providing your Newfoundland with a balanced and nutritious diet is vital for their overall health and well-being. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the correct food type, portion sizes, and feeding schedule based on their age, weight, and specific dietary needs.

Join the Baker Bay Newfoundlands Family

We are thrilled to help you find your perfect Newfoundland companion. At Baker Bay Newfoundlands, we are committed to breeding healthy, well-socialized puppies that will bring love and joy to your home. To learn more about our available puppies, and our breeding program, or to inquire about our services, please contact us through the following channels:

Phone: (360) 186-7895



Thank you for visiting Baker Bay Newfoundlands, where we celebrate the beauty, temperament, and loyalty of the Newfoundland breed. We look forward to assisting you in finding your new furry family member!